Aroudoors Copyright Protection

Aroundoors respects your business, treats your data and information provided on it with deep respect and protect them accordingly. As a user of Aroundoors services you agree that we can use the data and information to better serve you in accordance with our rules and regulation. While we appreciate honest contents, we disapprove use of other peoples' or organizations' copyrighted materials illegally in our services. This is unacceptable on Aroundoors just as we will not allow other user to violate your copyright content. You are free to contact us and complain or report any case of copyright violation. In case there is a report of copyright infringement on any user of Aroundoors, the user's account will be suspended or terminated permanently. Copyright Act actions will be taken against a repeated offender of copyright rules.

Yes. To use Aroundoors, you submit some information and upload some digital materials and store them with Aroundoors. They belong to you and you have the right to retrieve, download or delete them and completely terminate your account at will at any time. However, by using Aroundoors, you give Aroundoors automatic legal license to control the data, information and other items uploaded. Aroundoors as partial owner of all business listing content has authority over usage of data and information with regard to store and keep, use, re-store for safety, reformate, reproduce, recreate, modify and distort to better serve you and enhance our services.

Feel free to contact Aroundoors in case you have questions.

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All Rights Reserved